Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pregnancy and Movies

So we went and saw Quantum of Solace last night, the new 007 movie. It was an awesome movie!!! So we got there and it was packed! We ended up down on the floor and in the middle of the aisle. So we are watching the movie and everything is going fine and then all the sudden, Ella starts moving. She's stretching here and stretching there and sticking out here. The way she was moving hurt! Anyways, the movie was awesome and I'm glad that we saw it but there's only one more movie I'm seeing and that's Twilight! Other than that, we are done with the movie theatre! Moral of my story, only having 7 weeks left to go and not being able to sit still for long, well, the movies aren't the best place to be, especially opening weekend!!!


Darin and Sarah Frank said...

I don't think that I would be able to sit in a movie theater while being pregnant especially that far a long. I can't wait for Twilight either. I want to go opening night too.

Jen said...

I can't decide whether to go to Twilight or wait for video. I am worried it won't live up to my expectations.

Unknown said...

Oh I know how you feel, we went to The Black Night three weeks before I was due with Reese so we were chasing Chloe and Cooper and I do wish those seats reclined! Luckily we never go to movies but have fun tonight at Twilight!